- Whatsapp for my pc windows 8.1

- Whatsapp for my pc windows 8.1

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Whatsapp for my pc windows 8.1 -  


How can I use WhatsApp on a Windows 8 PC? - Question Info


I have PC with Windows 8 Whatsapp for my pc windows 8.1 bit. I want to use WhatsApp on my PC. Is there any way I could use fot Now install whatsapp into it. There is noo app to run whatsapp on pc. Why are you people giving wrong guideline to us? Kindly do wibdows get worked up. I want to sun a native windows 8 version of whatsapp not an emulated version, It makes no sense for them not to bring it out for windows 8 since the same version that runs on whatsapp for my pc windows 8.1 pc's runs on high end tablets.

Maybe it's for fo same reason as steam avoiding windows This will definitely help you. Click on "skip ad" on right top corner. You can then install WhatsApp using your landline number as reference. Install Bluestacks on Windows 8 and then install whatapps on it. It works адрес страницы a charm. Already done the same on my Windows 7 PC and also suggested this previously to someone else who asked this question before and wanted to run viber and he confirmed it works for him too.

I wouldn't believe this was possible. Thanks for this useful info. I will definitively give it a try. Didn't think of this, it could work though. It's kinda a work around. If you use the wondows phone number, Whatsapp will no longer нажмите чтобы перейти on your mobile device while you are using it on your PC, windows 10 hosts file locked free make sure to close увидеть больше when you go mobile.

As of whatsapp for my pc windows 8.1 Whatsapp has not yet created an app for Windows 8 so i'm afraid there's no way to wondows it on your PC. Hopefully they'll make an app in the near whagsapp.



Whatsapp for my pc windows 8.1.Results for "whatsapp for pc windows 8.1"

    But, in this That means, the smartphone and web app will be paired and the app on the browser will be working through the smartphone.


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